You’re hitting the big three-zero; and it’s reason to celebrate! Among the many reasons, this being the time you get to focus on yourself alone is reason to celebrate. So from this birthday onwards, how do you plan on treating yourself right? No clue? Here are a few of our tips and suggestions.
- Slow down the race – the 20s are dedicated for rushing and working hard. It’s for late nights and absurdly early mornings. It’s for skipping meals; simply because you forgot to eat. It’s about walking around and experiencing things until your soles wear out. Now that you have hit the big three zero, it’s time to slow down a little. Take the time to smell the flowers. Lessen the load on your schedule. Sleep a little more. In short, it’s about time you start pulling back, slowing down the race of your life.
- Treat your body with more respect – let’s admit it; none of us treat our bodies with much care. Why else would we abuse it with nearly no sleep and wreck it with harmful eating habits? But now that you’ve reached your thirties, it’s time you pay closer attention to your body and it’s needs. This is especially true if you don’t want to be retiring faster than you’d like. Visit your dentist more often, make an appointment with the optician and consider having foot related issues at Hawthorn podiatry checked as well.
- Update yourself – if you are wiser than we give you credit for, then you might have been taking better care of your body. This makes those appointments with the local foot clinic and optician a little pointless. But how well have you been taking care of your appearance? When was the last time you had a hair cut? Professionally got it styled? Did your nails? Gave in to the luxury of a spa day? If it has been a while, then now is the moment to be thinking of it again.
- Make new friends – by the time you hit thirty, the number of friends you have would have significantly reduced. This is partially due to your hectic work schedule, and partly your family commitments. Though who remain might be the loyal few, it still isn’t a bad idea to make new friends. This also give you the excuse to go out and have a little fun.
- Experience the things you didn’t take time for before – as we mentioned before, the twenties were the time for hard work. This mean you might have not had a lot of time in the last decade to experience a lot of “out of the norm” things. What you should remember is that, at present, you have to body capability to do so; unlike in the next decade. So take the time to do so now. Make holidays mandatory; even if all you can manage is weekend getaways…To view more information please visit