Going on a long journey like a road trip is good fun but only if you know how and what you can do to make sure that the discomfort of travelling long distances is minimized. It is definitely not rocket science but many of us forget to check in with the little details that matter. Here are some of the most important things that you need to think about when considering travelling long distances.
Where can you sit?
Whatever the mode of transport is (public or private) you will need to think about where you can accommodate yourself comfortably. If you are somebody who has a known case of motion sickness, it would be preferable if you were to have a window seat or otherwise carry some vomit bags with you which would actually be ideal. Carrying these with you would mean that you give yourself less chance to feel uncomfortable and that you also do not make any other person sharing the same transport with you feel uncomfortable as well. it would also be wise to sit in the middle area of a public transport for safety reason as in the case of an accident, the areas that would be most prone to strong contact would be the front and rear ends of the vehicle.
What should you carry for the way?
The next point to think about would be what you will be carrying for the way. No matter what your mode of transport is you should always carry some clean drinking water, first aids like pain killers and anti-gastritis medication and also carry a few nice travel sick bags that could come in handy. In addition to this is you are using public transport and you are not sure that you will find anything suitable to eat on the way, pack some food for the journey as well.
Make reservations
If possible when travelling on public transport, always try to make reservations in advance so that you are able to find a comfortable seating arrangement and if you are travelling with family and friends you will also be able to find seats that are together. Travelling without reservations will make this much harder and you may have to make do with whatever seats that are available and they may really not be the best options. Besides, having to struggle to find seats can really take away from the whole experience of enjoying a road trip so organizing this in advance can really pay off in the long run.